activity, allowing, app, charges, criminal, Durov, facing, founder, messaging, News, Pavel, Telegram, World
Telegram founder Pavel Durov facing charges over allowing criminal activity on messaging app | World News
Pavel Durov, the chief executive of Telegram, is to face further investigation over allegations he allowed criminal activity on the messaging app. French judges have barred Mr Durov from leaving France pending further investigation, but he has avoided being held in custody with a €5m bail. The billionaire founder of the encrypted messaging and social…
Why is Apple facing its longest slump in 20 years? | Science & Tech News
In 2007, Apple was credited with revolutionising the landscape for communications when it launched the first iPhone – a mobile phone that could play music and access the internet. The product laid the foundation for 17 years of smartphones and propelled Apple to become the world’s first company to reach a valuation of more than…
Elon Musk’s X facing landmark EU investigation | Science & Tech News
Elon Musk’s X is being investigated by the EU over its efforts to combat disinformation and harmful content. The social media platform, formerly known as Twitter, is the first to be probed under the bloc’s Digital Services Act. It came into force in November 2022 and requires large online companies to do more to tackle…
Why are women footballers facing an ‘epidemic’ of ACL injuries? | UK News
Keyhole surgery is perhaps a misleading term: despite the technology, expertise and extreme finesse involved, it’s also hugely physical. Sky News watches as surgeon Luke Jones performs an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in an operating theatre in King Edward VII’s hospital in central London. Mr Jones (male surgeons are referred to as Mr rather than…
Good news on fall in sewage spills only highlights the scale of the challenge facing water companies | Climate News
Well, first the good news: untreated sewage was pumped into our rivers and seas less frequently last year than the year before. Overall, storm overflow spills – when sewage gets released into the environment due to treatment works being overwhelmed – were down 19% in 2022, according to the latest data. But the raw figures…
Facing pressure from Tory rebels, PM set to toughen up Online Safety Bill | Politics News
Rishi Sunak appears to have bowed to pressure from rebel Tory MPs to make social media bosses criminally liable for failing to protect children from online harm. The prime minister was facing a major backbench rebellion as 50 MPs put their names to an amendment to the Online Safety Bill. The amendment would toughen up…
The ultimate homework cheat? How teachers are facing up to ChatGPT | Science & Tech News
“Have I seen this somewhere before?” It’s a question teachers have had to ask themselves while marking assignments since time immemorial. But never mind students trawling through Wikipedia, or perusing SparkNotes for some Great Gatsby analysis, the backend of 2022 saw another challenge emerge for schools: ChatGPT. The online chatbot, which can generate realistic responses…
attention, bids, bring, civilians, death, decisions, facing, Kyiv, life, mainstream, News, Science, Stories, studio, Tech, Ukraine, War
Ukraine War Stories: Kyiv studio bids to bring life and death decisions facing civilians to mainstream attention | Science & Tech News
“Open up! Quick, or we’re breaking the door!” Oleksiy didn’t want to let the Russians in, but nor did he want to antagonise them. Having cowered in a basement, desperate not to alert the invading soldiers to his presence, the silence had been broken by the heavy sound of a rifle bashing against the door.…