Scientists discover tiny fish can make sounds as loud as a pneumatic drill | Science & Tech News
Scientists have discovered one of the world’s smallest fish is capable of making sounds registering more than 140 decibels – which is louder than a pneumatic drill. The translucent Danionella cerebrum is just 12mm-long and has the smallest known brain of any vertebrae. The sound was first noticed by scientists studying the species in Berlin,…
Teams on stand-by to pump England’s rivers with oxygen amid fears of fish deaths due to hot weather | UK News
Environmental teams have been put on stand-by to oxygenate England’s rivers in a bid to protect fish in the event of a heatwave. The Environment Agency (EA) says it has recorded “hundreds of fish kill incidents” already this year – with drops in oxygen levels in rivers and canals blamed. The Angling Trust claims it…
Deepest fish ever recorded revealed by scientists | World News
Scientists have set a new record for the deepest fish ever caught on camera – as well as the deepest catch ever made. The juvenile fish – a type of snailfish – was filmed swimming at 8,336m (27,349ft) in the Izu-Ogasawara Trench, south of Japan. The previous record – also a snailfish – was recorded…
River fish being moved in struggle to survive low water levels | UK News
Despite the rain, the Mole in Surrey still looks more like a gravel track, than a river. A few deep pools remain along its course, in which the river’s typically healthy fish population is now corralled by the lowest water levels many on this river can remember. After holding off until the last minute, the…