Rare conjoined twin girls separated after 14 hour operation | UK News
One-year-old twin girls, conjoined at the head, have been successfully separated during a 14 hour operation led by a leading British surgeon. Professor Noor ul Owase Jeelani from Great Ormond Street Hospital used leading mixed reality technology to complete the complex procedure on Minal and Mirha in Turkey. Both are recovering in hospital and are…
British girl’s hearing restored in pioneering gene therapy trial | Science & Tech News
A British girl has had her hearing restored after becoming the first person worldwide to take part in a pioneering new gene therapy trial. Opal Sandy was born totally deaf due to auditory neuropathy, which disrupts nerve impulses from the inner ear to the brain. But the 18-month-old’s hearing is now almost normal – and…
Some parents say online harassment of girls ‘so standard it’s not noteworthy’, study finds | UK News
Online harassment of girls is “so standard” that some parents see it as “normal”, a study has found. Online safety charity Internet Matters found that 77% of girls aged 13 to 16 in the UK report digital experiences that are or may be harmful. The survey also found that parents “are coming to regard online…
abuse, Avatar, girls, investigate, metaverse, News, NSPCC, police, prompting, Science, sexual, Tech, warning, young
Police ‘investigate sexual abuse of young girl’s avatar in the metaverse’ – prompting NSPCC warning | Science & Tech News
British police are reportedly investigating the sexual abuse of a child’s avatar in the metaverse – prompting the NSPCC to warn that tech firms must do more to protect young users. Online abuse is linked with physical abuse in the real world and can have a devastating impact on victims, the charity’s campaigners said. The…