Single women having IVF triples in a decade but NHS funding remains limited, regulator says | UK News
The number of female same-sex couples having IVF has doubled over the last decade and more than tripled among single women, according to the fertility regulator. Figures from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) show those two groups also had the highest success rates. Between 2012 and 2022 across the UK, the proportion of…
New pill can increase chances of IVF success, study finds | Science & Tech News
A pill for couples struggling to conceive with IVF treatment has been found to increase the chances of pregnancy, scientists say. Researchers said initial trials of the drug – known as OXO-001 and created by Spanish biotech company Oxolife – showed “promising” results. It acts directly on the inner lining of the womb to improve…
egg, embryo, exposed, faulty, fertility, freezing, Guys, IVF, Jessop, liquid, News, patients, Thomas
IVF: More than 100 patients at Guy’s and St Thomas’ and Jessop Fertility ‘exposed to faulty egg and embryo freezing liquid’ | UK News
Fertility patients at two clinics in England have been exposed to a faulty egg and embryo-freezing solution that might have impaired their chances of having children, the industry regulator has said. The defective liquid was used at the Assisted Conception Unit (ACU) at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, in London and Jessop Fertility, in Sheffield.…
UK’s first ‘three-parent baby’ born after IVF procedure | Science & Tech News
The first baby created from three genetic parents has been born in the UK. To prevent inherited disease doctors created a “three-parent baby” by using a technique known as mitochondrial donation treatment (MDT). The procedure, aimed at stopping a mother from passing on defective genes in the mitochondria – tiny power plants in cells that…