capture, Climate, craters, Icy, Mercury, News, pictures, plains, planet, Science, smallest, solar, sunlit, systems, Tech
Mercury: Pictures capture icy craters and sunlit plains of solar system’s smallest planet | Science, Climate & Tech News
Stunning pictures of Mercury have been published revealing the sunlit plains and possibly icy craters of the smallest planet in the solar system. Three pictures taken by the BepiColombo spacecraft were issued by the European Space Agency (ESA) on Thursday after the vessel flew 183 miles (294km) above the planet’s north pole. The close-up images…
Mercury has a layer of diamond up to 10 miles thick, scientists suggest | Science & Tech News
It may be the smallest planet in the solar system but Mercury could be hiding a big secret. A layer of diamond beneath the crust of Mercury could be up to 10 miles (18km) thick, new research suggests. Scientists from China and Belgium used data collected by NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft between 2004 and 2015 to…