Minecraft YouTube gamer Dream finally reveals face to millions of followers | World News
Minecraft YouTube star Dream has finally revealed his true identity to his millions of viewers. His real face had never been seen by his followers despite making Minecraft videos over a number of years. He was previously identified by a smiley face icon – but removed the disguise in a video released early on Monday.…
crash, Jackson, Janet, laptops, Microsoft, News, playing, power, reveals, Science, song, Tech, wasnt
Microsoft reveals Janet Jackson song had the power to crash laptops – even if it wasn’t playing on them | Science & Tech News
The music video for Janet Jackson’s 1989 hit Rhythm Nation was a sensation in terms of its choreography and direction. Its foggy noir-like style won it numerous accolades, including a Grammy Award for Best Long Form Music Video. But the dystopian pop video had something else going for it too – the power to crash…
New tiredness study reveals why a day of hard thinking is so exhausting | Science & Tech News
A long, hard day of thinking can sometimes feel as exhausting as a day of manual labour, and experts think they know why. A new study has found that people may feel tired after intense mental work because it causes potentially toxic by-products to build up in the prefrontal cortex part of the brain. This…
Online abuse: New study reveals which footballers are target of most abuse on Twitter | Science & Tech News
A new report has revealed the scale of abuse targeting Premier League footballers on Twitter amid concerns about racist and hostile messages on social media. Research by Ofcom and the Alan Turing Institute has found that while the vast majority of tweets sent to footballers are positive, around 3.5% of them are abusive. The study…
Cartwheel, details, Galaxy, image, James, NASAs, News, reveals, Science, Space, Tech, Telescope, Webb
New image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope reveals details of the Cartwheel Galaxy | Science & Tech News
The James Webb Space Telescope has captured a new image of the Cartwheel Galaxy – alongside two smaller companion galaxies – which was created as the result of an intergalactic collision. The orbiting observatory was launched last December and recently released a full set of new observations, including what is said to be the “deepest”…