Smoking a single cigarette could take 20 minutes off life expectancy, new study says | UK News
Each cigarette a person smokes could shorten their life by 20 minutes, according to new estimates. The new figures are an increase on previous estimates, which suggested a cigarette shortens a smoker’s life by 11 minutes. The data suggests if a 10-a-day smoker quits on 1 January, then by 8 January they could “prevent loss of…
Single women having IVF triples in a decade but NHS funding remains limited, regulator says | UK News
The number of female same-sex couples having IVF has doubled over the last decade and more than tripled among single women, according to the fertility regulator. Figures from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) show those two groups also had the highest success rates. Between 2012 and 2022 across the UK, the proportion of…