Climate, Cocoa, fatty, foods, green, impact, negative, News, protect, researchers, Science, Stressed, tea, Tech
Cocoa or green tea may protect against negative impact of fatty foods when stressed, say researchers | Science, Climate & Tech News
A cup of cocoa or green tea could protect you from the negative impacts of fatty comfort foods during times of stress, research suggests. Small changes in food choices “could make a real difference” to the body and positively influence the impact of tension on heart health, experts added. A cup of minimally processed cocoa or green…
cups, day, Drinking, heart, helps, live, longer, News, protects, Science, study, suggests, tea, Tech
Drinking at least two cups of tea a day protects your heart and helps you live longer, study suggests | Science & Tech News
Tea drinkers who consume more than two cups a day are likely to live longer than those who don’t drink any, a new study has suggested. The findings, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, concluded that the positive effects appear unaffected by whether the tea is taken black, with milk, with sugar, the temperature…