NASA volunteers complete year-long mission in 3D-printed Mars bunker in Texas | US News
NASA volunteers who spent over a year in a simulated Mars bunker have completed their mission. After 378 days in a 3D-printed, Mars-imitation bunker in Texas, Kelly Haston, Anca Selariu, Ross Brockwell and Nathan Jones were set free Saturday around 10pm UK time. Speaking at a news conference after they were allowed back into the…
Egypt’s oldest mummy found ‘covered in layers of gold’ following year-long excavation | World News
A mummy “completely covered in layers of gold” may be the oldest and most complete ever found in Egypt. The ancient man’s well-preserved sarcophagus has been discovered after a year-long excavation just outside of the capital Cairo. It is just one of dozens of new archaeological discoveries found in Egypt. Researchers believe it belonged to…