capture, Climate, craters, Icy, Mercury, News, pictures, plains, planet, Science, smallest, solar, sunlit, systems, Tech
Mercury: Pictures capture icy craters and sunlit plains of solar system’s smallest planet | Science, Climate & Tech News
Stunning pictures of Mercury have been published revealing the sunlit plains and possibly icy craters of the smallest planet in the solar system. Three pictures taken by the BepiColombo spacecraft were issued by the European Space Agency (ESA) on Thursday after the vessel flew 183 miles (294km) above the planet’s north pole. The close-up images…
Spectacular photos capture Northern Lights above Iceland | World News
Spectacular photos have captured the Northern Lights in the skies above Iceland. Pictures of the phenomenon taken last night show sheets of green light dancing in the sky. “Might be the best night of 2024,” one person posted on X. Image: Pic: @IcelandToursX Image: Pic: @IcelandToursX The spectacle, also known as the Aurora Borealis, can…
UK’s first air capture plant is turned on to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and turn it into jet fuel | Climate News
The UK’s first-ever direct air capture plant has been turned on to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and turn it into jet fuel. The machine, developed by Mission Zero Technologies in partnership with the University of Sheffield, will run on solar power to recover 50 tonnes of CO2 from the air per year and turn…
Blue supermoon: Stunning pictures capture lunar event around the world | Science & Tech News
Stunning pictures have captured the rare blue supermoon over the UK and other locations throughout the world. The moon appeared larger than usual as it shone in the night sky on Wednesday night, peaking around 2.35am on Thursday in the UK. While the moon is typically around 252,088 miles away at its furthest point from…