FastRig: First UK trial begins of sail designed to cut ships’ carbon footprint | Science & Tech News
The first UK trial of a rigid sail that can be fitted on commercial ships to reduce their carbon footprint is under way in the Irish Sea. The sail being tested is more like an aircraft wing than the traditional sheet of billowing canvas. And the vessel it’s been fixed to is no ordinary ship…
Machine designed to replicate the conditions inside a burning star shutting down | Science & Tech News
It was only a few weeks ago that scientists at the Joint European Torus (JET) in Oxfordshire announced the nuclear fusion experiment had broken a world record. The machine – designed to replicate the conditions inside a burning star – generated a five-second pulse of fusion, releasing 69 megajoules of energy. If JET was a…
Schoolgirl’s hi-tech backpack designed to tackle airborne diseases | Science & Tech News
A schoolgirl’s design for a backpack that can filter air to protect people from pollution and airborne disease has won a national innovation contest. Eleanor Woods was presented with a real-world incarnation of her product in London over the weekend, having won over judges with a hi-tech satchel that “looks cool, will help get kids…
Amazon files lawsuit against 10,000 Facebook groups designed to create fake reviews | Science & Tech News
Amazon has filed a lawsuit against the administrators of more than 10,000 Facebook groups which attempt to orchestrate fake reviews in exchange for money or free products. The groups are set up to recruit individuals willing to post incentivised and misleading reviews on Amazon’s online stores in the US, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain,…