Kabosu dies: Shiba inu which inspired the ‘doge’ meme and became face of Dogecoin has died | World News
Kabosu, the dog behind the “doge” meme, has died at the age of 18 after enjoying more than a decade of internet fame. The Japanese shiba inu had been suffering from leukaemia and liver disease. “To all of you who loved Kabosu, on the morning of the 24 May, Kabosu crossed the rainbow bridge. Thank…
Professor Peter Higgs: ‘Pioneering’ physicist who gave name to Higgs boson particle has died | Science & Tech News
Nobel Prize-winning physicist Professor Peter Higgs, whose pioneering theory led to the discovery of the Higgs boson particle, has died aged 94. The “truly gifted” scientist predicted the existence of the new subatomic particle as far back as 1964. His theory would not be confirmed until 2012, when experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at…
adapted, Bird, died, doctor, flu, girl, humans, making, mutations, News, spillover, virus, warns, World
Bird flu spillover ‘concerning’, doctor warns – as virus in girl who died had mutations making it better adapted to humans | World News
The bird flu virus isolated from a girl who died from the disease had mutations that made it better adapted to human cells, Sky News has learned. The 11-year-old is believed to have been infected by poultry kept by her family in Prey Veng province, in the south of Cambodia. Her father also tested positive…
Molly Russell: Friend of 14-year-old who died from self-harm speaks out over Online Safety Bill | UK News
Davine Lee still has the birthday present she bought for her friend Molly five years ago, an unwrapped box containing a hoodie featuring her favourite TV show, that remains sitting untouched at home. She learned of her friend’s death, at the age of 14, after seeing her empty chair at school and wondering where she…