capture, Climate, craters, Icy, Mercury, News, pictures, plains, planet, Science, smallest, solar, sunlit, systems, Tech
Mercury: Pictures capture icy craters and sunlit plains of solar system’s smallest planet | Science, Climate & Tech News
Stunning pictures of Mercury have been published revealing the sunlit plains and possibly icy craters of the smallest planet in the solar system. Three pictures taken by the BepiColombo spacecraft were issued by the European Space Agency (ESA) on Thursday after the vessel flew 183 miles (294km) above the planet’s north pole. The close-up images…
blocks, building, clouds, finds, Icy, James, life, NASAs, News, Science, signs, Space, Tech, Telescope, Webb
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope finds signs of ‘building blocks for life’ in icy clouds | Science & Tech News
Molecular species that form the “building blocks for life” have been found in a deep space region of icy clouds. Using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, a team of astronomers and scientists confirmed the presence of methane and ethanol, as well as small compounds with nitrogen and sulphur. On Earth, sources of methane include emissions…
Icy swims could cut fat and reduce the risk of diabetes, review suggests | Science & Tech News
An icy swim could have significant health benefits, including reducing body fat and the risk of diseases such as diabetes, according to a review. Some 104 studies were examined by researchers, who found that many reported major health benefits from cold water swimming, including on good fat which helps burn calories. This could help prevent…