Moon may be much older than thought because of ‘remelting’ surface | Science, Climate & Tech News
The moon may be much older than previously thought, according to a new study. Planetary scientists believe the moon’s surface may have “remelted” around 4.35 billion years ago, masking much older lunar features beneath. The moon is thought to have formed when Earth collided with a Mars-sized protoplanet, a rock in the early stages of…
Using the internet may help older people’s mental health, says new study | Science, Climate & Tech News
Using the internet may result in less depression and better well-being in people over 50, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of Hong Kong studied more than 87,500 people across 23 countries, including the UK. They discovered people who used the internet to search for information, send and receive emails, and go…
Owned an older iPhone? You could get a payout from UK lawsuit which claims devices were ‘throttled’ | Science & Tech News
Apple is facing a lawsuit that could see British iPhone owners receive compensation over allegedly defective batteries. The case, brought by consumer champion Justin Gutmann, was given the go-ahead by a UK court on Wednesday. Mr Gutmann claims the tech giant deceived up to 25 million customers by “throttling” their devices without their knowledge. It…
Moon is millions of years older than previously thought, study suggests | Science & Tech News
The moon is 40 million years older than scientists previously thought, according to a new study. Researchers analysed crystals brought back by Apollo astronauts between 1969 and 1972 to pinpoint the time of the moon’s formation. During Apollo missions, astronauts gathered rocks, pebbles, sand and dust from the moon’s surface – and it was lunar…