Pavel Durov’s arrest, much like the Telegram app, works to Russia’s advantage | Science & Tech News
Is Pavel Durov a brave crusader for liberty and free-speech, or a compromised individual whose social media platform empowers criminals, paedophiles and even Vladmir Putin? The French authorities certainly think he has questions to answer. Social media bosses are regularly questioned by governments – like the recent grilling of the heads of TikTok, Meta, and…
Vladimir Putin sets date for launching Russia’s new space station | Science & Tech News
Russia’s new space station will come online in 2027, Vladimir Putin has said. Moscow‘s Roscosmos space agency committed to building its own orbital outpost last year, when it announced its departure from the International Space Station (ISS). Speaking during a visit to a rocket corporation in Korolyov, outside Moscow, Mr Putin said: “As the resources…
Russia’s Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into moon | World News
Russia has reported that its Luna-25 spacecraft has crashed into the moon. The unmanned robot lander, which launched earlier this month, crashed after it spun into uncontrolled orbit, Russia’s space corporation Roscosmos reported on Sunday. It comes after the country reported an “abnormal situation” that its specialists were analysing on Saturday. The mission was the…