Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested in France, local reports say | Science & Tech News
Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder of encrypted messaging app Telegram, has been arrested in France, according to local reports. The 39-year-old Franco-Russian tech chief had just arrived via private jet when he was arrested at Le Bourget airport in the outskirts of Paris, BFMTV reports. Quoting an unnamed source, the outlet added he was the…
Astronauts stranded on space station to return next February, NASA announces | Science & Tech News
NASA has announced the two astronauts stranded on the International Space Station (ISS) will return to Earth on SpaceX in February 2025. Pilot Sunita “Suni” Williams and Commander Barry “Butch” Wilmore blasted off in Boeing’s new spacecraft on 5 June, and were meant to stay in orbit for eight days after docking on the ISS.…
China’s robotic dogs still a novelty to most – as firms grapple with military using tech as weapons | Science & Tech News
From Beijing to Hangzhou, the sight of robotic dogs in a park is becoming more and more common. Climbing stairs? No problem. And what about hills? They can do that too. Josh Yuan showed us his robo-dog in one of Beijing’s fanciest shopping districts, guiding it through a crowd of curious onlookers with a handheld…
Gooey gel can play video game Pong and learns how to improve over time, scientists find | Science & Tech News
A gooey gel made by scientists can play the video game Pong and gets better over time as it learns, new research has shown. The experts claim the “muscle memory” on display might be useful for people developing artificial intelligence. Inspired by a study that used brain cells in a dish to play Pong, the…
Lecanemab: Bittersweet moment for Alzheimer’s patients – but hope of treatment is still possible | Science & Tech News
This is a bittersweet moment for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and their families. Hopes had been high that for the first time they would have access to a treatment that could slow the decline in memory and thinking. When a pivotal clinical trial was released last year doctors hailed lecanemab as a game-changer, one…
Vogue and Wired publisher Conde Nast signs new deal with OpenAI | Science & Tech News
Vogue, Wired and GQ publisher Conde Nast has done a multi-year deal with OpenAI. The artificial intelligence company announced the partnership on Tuesday, saying ChatGPT and its prototype tool SearchGPT would display content from “top brands like Vogue, The New Yorker, Condé Nast Traveler, GQ, Architectural Digest, Vanity Fair, Wired, Bon Appétit, and more”. The…
centre, key, legal, Lynchs, members, Mike, News, Science, sinking, success, superyacht, Tech, tragedy
Key members of Mike Lynch’s legal success now centre of tragedy after superyacht sinking | Science & Tech News
They were a group brought together by one goal: to defy the odds and win Mike Lynch’s case. The protracted legal battle started when Hewlett-Packard, the technology company, accused Mr Lynch of fraud by overstating the value of his company Autonomy when he sold it to them in 2011. The trial saw Mr Lynch, 59,…
communication, dangerous, Earths, flares, Latephase, News, Science, solar, study, suggests, Tech, thought
Late-phase solar flares could be more dangerous for Earth’s communication than thought, new study suggests | Science & Tech News
Later-stage solar flares could be more disruptive to communication systems than previously thought, according to new research. While it’s well known the first wave of a solar flare – a sudden burst of energy from the Sun – can knock out GPS signals and trigger global radio blackouts, the secondary emission is less-studied. A new…
In pictures: Blue supermoon lights up sky around the world | Science & Tech News
Photographers from around the world have been busy capturing a lunar lightshow – the blue supermoon. A supermoon occurs when a full moon rises during its closest point in its orbit to Earth. A blue moon is even rarer, happening when there are two full moons within a single calendar month or four full moons…
Rare blue supermoon will appear in skies tonight – what is it? | Science & Tech News
Top tips for photographing the night sky Welsh astrophotographer Dafydd Wyn Morgan gives some top tips for people take pictures of night-sky spectaculars. Tip one: Get to know your local area’s darkest spots “Seek out somewhere where you live which has minimal light pollution,” says Mr Morgan. Plan ahead as to where you’re going to…