Neanderthal DNA could be the reason you’re a morning person | UK News
Ever wondered why your partner is up with the lark while you’re happy snoozing till noon? It could be thanks to Neanderthal genes, according to a new study. While the origin of modern humans can be traced back to Africa 300,000 years ago, when these ancestors moved north they interbred with Neanderthals – and traces…
Twitter alternatives: Six options if you’re leaving – and one to help if you’re sticking around | Science & Tech News
It’s a chaotic time to be on Twitter. The beginning of Elon Musk’s tenure has not gone smoothly – mass lay-offs, new features disappearing as quickly as they debut, advertisers putting spending on hold, and even a threat of bankruptcy. As its future becomes increasingly uncertain, people are looking for somewhere new. Google searches for…
Convinced you’re a mosquito magnet? Science says there may be a good reason for it | Science & Tech News
Some people really are “mosquito magnets” – and it probably has to do with the way they smell, according to a new study. Researchers have discovered those who are most attractive to mosquitos, produce a lot of certain chemicals on their skin that are tied to smell. And there is bad news for all those…