egg, embryo, exposed, faulty, fertility, freezing, Guys, IVF, Jessop, liquid, News, patients, Thomas
IVF: More than 100 patients at Guy’s and St Thomas’ and Jessop Fertility ‘exposed to faulty egg and embryo freezing liquid’ | UK News
Fertility patients at two clinics in England have been exposed to a faulty egg and embryo-freezing solution that might have impaired their chances of having children, the industry regulator has said. The defective liquid was used at the Assisted Conception Unit (ACU) at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, in London and Jessop Fertility, in Sheffield.…
Intermittent fasting could cause fertility problems, study suggests | UK News
Intermittent fasting diets could cause fertility problems, according to new research. The scientists behind the study looked at male and female Zebrafish – Danio rerio – to find out what happens when they are exposed to food during and after a period of fasting. The team measured how Zebrafish allocated resources to body maintenance, body…